Tote Organization Part 2

After labeling all my Christmas totes like I showed you on my last post I was thinking... wouldn't it be nice if I knew which one had the outside lights in them so I don't have to look through each one when we put those up in October, and then again when I put the rest of the decorations up a month later...heck yes it would be great! So here I am improving my labeling and adding even more detail. 

I have added detailed vinyl to many totes, like gift wrap, outside lights and tree lights. 

I use to be able to just get everything out at once without babies "helping me", now I split it up into outside, shelves, and tree. It takes more time but I still enjoy it! Maybe next year the baby will sleep more than 30 mins in a row and I can get it all out at once...🤣

If you enjoy the video like and subscribe for more ðŸ˜Ž Happy labeling! 
