Tote Organization Part 1

How do you organize your garage? Do you have things on shelves, maybe that stuff is in totes, or maybe it is on the ground in piles! Oh my! Let me tell you a secret... my garage has a little (or maybe a lot) of everything above going on. Yeah... especially right now. During the winter things just get tossed everywhere, it is so cold here I don't even want to spend the extra 2 mins to actually put it away. 

For the things that I do have organized into totes one of the best things I have done is to differentiate them in some way. I started out with putting the stuff in different areas of my garage or on different shelves (which I still do). 

Then the next phase i went to was putting the things in totes into different colored totes. So the stuff in red totes is Christmas stuff and black Halloween, really black is every other Holiday haha. 

Then because I didn't know what was in all the black totes I wanted to label them so I took sheet protectors, taped them on my totes and wrote what was in the tote on a piece of paper to put into the sheet protectors. Now I knew what was in them yay! 

This year I decided to take it a step further and put vinyl labels on my Christmas totes and all the rest eventually :) I love it! The crisp look and how easy it is to read. Checkout my YouTube video about it here

 Don't forget to like and subscribe. Happy organizing!
