Nursery cleaning tips

Ok it is official, bedrooms are so far my least favorite thing to clean. They always seem to have extra random stuff in them that you don't need all the time but you also can't get rid of for when you do need it. For example my baby's closet.

See so much stuff! There are the little baby things in here that my littlest has out grown, but I will need when I have another baby, and a few things that he will grow into and need in the future. This is my best rotation system that I have found, I used to put everything in totes out in the garage, but this is much easier to stick it in the closet. 

 I am also realizing that they need a makeover which made me excited at first but now overwhelmed. So I wrote it down on my list to do in the future! Now I feel much better and I can ponder about the kind of room I want to create for Beckett in the near future.

As I was starting this room I completely forgot to grab my cleaning check list.

I can't believe it! It was so hard to get motivated to start cleaning I was kind of overwhelmed mostly because of lack of sleep the night before thanks to my toddler, not even because of the idea of spring-cleaning the room, but I really didn't want to do it. After I started I remembered about my list and grabbed it. As soon as I was using it cleaning went so much smoother! Just by going down the list checking things off as I went took away all the over thinking I was doing!

I am switching around dressers in this room.

 I like the short ones for my toddlers to help teach them to put away their clothes, and when they are little they love to help, it is so cute and hard at the same time! I love teaching kids and watching them learn. But when it is done not how I would do it, it is so hard for me to just let it be as they learn and get a little bit better every time they do it. On the other hand as my almost 2yr old was helping me to wash his bedroom windows today my heart melted ๐Ÿ˜ it was so cute! Even though it was harder it was so fulfilling seeing him and feeling like I was teaching him something that will benefit him for life!
There are a few things organized in this room, obviously his clothes are in the drawers.

Then we have books, they used to be in the closet which makes the room look cleaner but I feel like they aren't read as much when in there. After I put them on top of the dresser they are used daily! 

Stuffed animals get out of control! As I was cleaning I threw them into the empty close hamper and I think that is where they are going to stay! I might get another hamper but most of the time I toss his dirty clothes right into the laundry room any ways. 

That is it for this room. While my kids are little I don't like to keep toys in their room, mostly because I don't want to step on them while I am seeking out at bed time, but also because it helps keep this room low maintenance! ๐Ÿ˜‰ When we move on to my son's room you will see how much longer it will take to go through all of his "special" things in there. It took about 1.5 hrs to clean the  put the nursery. I put the furniture back in the evening when the rug was dry.

Some days are better than others, today I was really not feeling like doing any spring cleaning but after it was all done it felt great to have one less room to worry about!

To see me continue my spring cleaning follow me on Instagram @_countrysparkles_ where I will share lots of stories and the progress as I move through my home. I also am linking this challenge with the hashtag #springcleaningdoneearly if you want to follow along I would love to see you, or even better use the hashtag on your progress so I can see!


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