Laundry/mud room spring cleaning

Although I wish these were two separate rooms in my home they are not, so I am combining them. 

I remembered to take a before picture!🤯

Here are some must do's in these rooms that you may not think about.

Clean out lint collector and dryer hose in the back. Vacuuming these out is a great place to start. But if you really want to get down and dirty you can take the front pannel off to really find all that lint, and maybe even some spare socks and change too! Just be sure the dryer is in plugged before you start pulling the sides off.

Cleaning supplies- I keep all these in my laundry room up high so little fingers can't get to them. As I am doing my spring cleaning I want to use up as many off these as I can. Now is a great time for me to go through all my supplies and decide where to use them. A few years ago I started using more natural cleaners but never used up my other stuff. This is my opportunity to use those up. I am a big believer in not wasting things and using items until you can't any more. Not only does this save money but I feel like it is one of my ways to help keep our planet healthy. 

Speaking of saving the planet I also have a recycling can along with a paper shredder in here, so that just like my trash we toss recycling in to it to be taken out to the bigger can when full.  

Don't forget the top of your door frames a lot of lint and dust gets forgotten about in this place. 

Shoes- toss shoes that are worn out, and for my kids at leasf it may be time to rotate shoes to a bigger size and store smaller shoes for when the next kid grows into them. 

Pull out the washer and dryer to sweep and mop under them, there are so many things that fall under there. Just like in the Lego movie two, 🤣 #boymom.

My laundry room is also a catch all for the garage and outside stuff. I have a basket that is good for collecting this stuff until it is put away but sometimes like right now everything is covered up by snow clothes. It just gets to be a huge mess in the winter especially. Most of my cleaning is going to be putting this stuff away! 

I actually clean this room really well every 2 weeks when I do laundry, mostly so I have room to work. Lol

This room should be pretty short and sweet which I am pretty excited for after my all day kitchen cleaning (link). If you haven't yet and want to join me in this early spring cleaning challenge go over to my first post here (link) and print yourself off a cleaning check list. 

Luckily for me this room was short so I ended up scrubbing the time grout also and sealing it! Now I don't have to think about that for another 3 years!

Here is my after picture, I am on a roll today! 

 Also go follow me on Instagram @_countrysparkles_ where I will share lots of stories and progress as I move through my home. I also am linking this challenge with the hashtag #springcleaningdoneearly if you want to follow along, or even better use the hashtag on your progress!
