Bathroom cleaning tips

Cleaning the bathroom. Oh where to start is the question! In our home we have me (the mom), and I am surrounded by boys, and all their friends who are boys, even the dog is a boy. Which means pee some how gets into questionable places often times. The problem is that even they don't know how it gets there.  Need I say more on this subject? Probably not, but we are cleaning the bathroom today so it is going to come up a few times.

 For better of worse our main bathroom is really small, which makes it pretty fast to clean but there are limited places to put things. 

See that lovely over the toilet rack...yeah I very much dislike it and putting up actual shelves is on my very long list of things to build. It is going to take a while to get that done, so until then what we have works, and I will do most of my business in the master bath.

For our main bathroom I have put a drawer under the sink for all the little things my son needs to get ready. It has been very handy. First thing on my list is to get rid of some of the extra stuff in here.

I like to keep the trash under the sink too because no one needs to be looking at the things that get thrown away in there while chilling on the toilet.

As you see I have other baskets on the rack. One has dog grooming items in it, one has soaps and I think the other is empty. Of course we have a bath toys basket also. I will go through those next.

Now for the cleaning part.
First take everything out that you can, for me I am even taking out the shelf. 
Next go top to bottom. I will do wall dusting and cleaning, and base boards.

If you want to know more about my duster check it out in my kitchen post.
Then I scrub the shower/tub, mirror, and the sink

Tip for the sink, before you even start cleaning the bathroom fill it up with warm water and let it sit. 

Then it will dissolve all the toothpaste left behind by kids and you don't have to scrub it out. 

Next seems out of order but I sweep and then chean the toilet. That way if any cleaning sprays or water get on the floor I don't sweep it around.

For the toilet I use a glove and handy pumus stone to scrub out the stubborn iron ring in the toilet. 

If you really want to get at it all you can even unscrew the toilet seat to take it off and clean under that area.

Don't forget behind the toilet. This is one of those spots that I wonder how in the world pee can get back here...but it does! 
As I am finishing up this room I noticed that the baseboards needs a new layer of caulk on it and the floor. I do this to help water to not get under the base boards and warp them. Unfortunately I started doing this because of warped base boards in other bathrooms like this one. 

It has really helped. 

From this bathroom going into my other bathrooms that are bigger I will do about the same process, except there are more drawers so I will also be purging those of things I don't need any more. 

One of my best kid bathroom tips is to take their bath toys and hot glue the holes! This prevents molding on the inside. It also saves money so you don't have to replace them all the time and you aren't incubating any kid germs that get in there!

Bathrooms are one of my least favorite areas of my home to clean, but I deep clean this area regularly to keep it under control! 

To see me continue my spring cleaning follow me on Instagram @_countrysparkles_ where I will share lots of stories and the progress as I move through my home. I also am linking this challenge with the hashtag #springcleaningdoneearly if you want to follow along, or even better use the hashtag on your progress so I can see!

See you in the next room!


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