Fastest clothes folding hacks (to make mamas life easier)!

Do you feel like you are doing laundry ALL THE TIME!? Do you ever ask yourself why is it never ending...and then remember oh yeah we can't all walk around naked! 🤣 Even though laundry is a constant there are still things you can do to save you some time! 

I started out my adult life and beginning of marriage, folding everything perfectly, getting it just right! It was pretty amazing. 

I also only did laundry every 3 WEEKS! Oh man those were the days! Just my husband and I, I didn't do laundry until I was wearing my swim suit as underwear... Yep that actually happens sometimes. 

After a few years and 2 kids I have simplified my laundry routine. I now wash laundry for 1 day every 2 weeks, and then try to fold it all the next day. Sometimes I don't get around to folding it for a few days though haha. It normally takes 1.5 hrs to fold and put it all away. I know that this isn't typical but it sure does make the pain of doing laundry a lot easier!

Here is what I do for folding and putting laundry away. 

There it is, I definitely like to simplify! In case you missed anything in the video here it is along with a few EXTRA tips I forgot to add.

Adult clothes

Home work shirts- folded and put on shelves in closet, I like this so we can see them all easily and slip out the one we want, for my husband it is often the top shirt. For me it all depends on if I am painting, sanding, or doing yard work.

Fold pants and PJ's- in stacks on closet shelf. Often I will do 2 different stacks work jeans and nice ones. you can kind of see the stacks in the bottom of the image above.

Nice shirts - hung up. Often I will organize mine by sleeve length/season.

Socks - folded and thrown in drawer

Underwear - thrown in drawer/ bin. I like to just toss my bras in a bin like this.

Kid clothes 

Nice Pants - folded into thirds and put in closet hanging rack for easy access on school mornings.

Shirts - folded and stacked sideways to allow child to see and find his favorite ones. I may be changing to hanging shirts up so it is easier for kids to look through.

Play pants/sweats - folded in half and put in drawer. sweatshirts and light jackets are also in this drawer literally tossed in.

Underwear and socks - fold socks throw them all in the same drawer.

PJ's - safety pinned together if they are 2 piece then thrown in the drawer with the one pieces. 

Church clothes - hung up

Baby clothes

PJ's- lay in a stack and put in drawer side ways.

Pants - fold in half stack in drawer with folded side up.

Onesies - fold in half top to bottom so you can see the front of the onesie and stack in drawer one on top of another. You can put at least 2 stacks in a drawer.

Shirts - no folding just lay flat on top of each other to make a pile to place in drawer.

Overalls - fold in half long ways then top to bottom so they will stack in drawer sideways. seen on the left side of above pic.

Church clothes - hung up

Sweat shirts - hung up

Socks and shoes - mated and tossed in drawer. Bonus tip: you can often mate shoes by safety pinning them together somewhere on the shoe weather they have loops on the back, shoe laces, tongue of the shoe, exc...

or you can also velcro them together.

Burp rags - folded in half and stacked in drawers.

There you have it my best to fold or not to fold tips. I hope you can use some of these tips to simplify. If not maybe they sparked some ideas of what you can use! If so please share those with me I would love to hear it! What are some if your favorite folding hacks you use to simplify?? Tell me below in the comments.
